2 UPDATES PER WEEK « » 2014-03-20 « » » 159:33:07 » 331
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  1. Could you explain payment options?
  2. How does "RECURRING" mean?
  3. Could I cancel recurring payments?
  4. How does NO RECURRING mean?
  5. If I would like to cancel my recurring subscription before natural expiring, how should I do?
  6. Why did I pay an amount different than € 29,90?
  7. WHEN DISCOUNT IS ACTIVE: Why, in the CCBILL payment form, I don't see SPECIAL DISCOUNT on 2nd and 3rd rebill as mentioned above ??
1. Could you explain payment options?
At the moment we have 2 payments options:
  1. € 29,90 for the first month, then 3 rebills of € 29,90.
    First month: € 29,90;
    Second month (first rebill, charged automatically at the beginning of this month): € 29,90;
    Third month (second rebill, charged automatically at the beginning of this month)): € 29,90;
    Fourth month (third rebill, charged automatically at the beginning of this month)): € 29,90;
    Subscription cancelled automatically. No more charges and, then, at the end of fourth month, your access to the website will be disabled.
  2. € 59,90 for 90 days, without recurring.
    First 90 days: € 59,90;
    Subscription cancelled automatically. No more charges and, then, at the end of 90th days your access to the website will be disabled.
2. How does RECURRING mean?
RECURRING means that amount is charged automatically at the beginning of the month if you have not cancel your subscription.

3. Could I cancel recurring payments / Could I cancel subscription before its natural end?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription. Be sure to cancel before next month begins.

You join on 14th september paying &euro 29,90. Your access is granted until 13th october.
if you don't cancel your subscription BEFORE 12th october, on 13th october another € 29,90 is charged from your bill. Your access is granted until 12 november and so on.
This until 4 charges (1 initial + 3 rebills): after 4 times, your subscription is cancelled automatically. No more rebills. At the end of 4th month your access to the site is disabled.

TO BE SURE: if you want cancel your subscription for the next month, do it some days before the end of current month, NOT the last day! Different TIMEZONES (you, our server and Payments server of CCBILL) could bring confusion and unwanted results! We are not responsible of mistakes due to different timezones.

4. How does NO RECURRING mean?
NO RECURRING means that the only amount that is charged is the initial one (In this case € 59,90). No rebills.

5. If I would like to cancel my recurring subscription before natural expiring, how should I do?
We don't manage at all your subscription and payments. All is managed by CCBILL company.
To CANCEL own subscription click on the link CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION on CCBILL email arrived when you charged your first amount. CLICK HERE TO SEE IT

6. Why did I pay an amount different than € 29,90?
Amounts paid not in euros are shown based on CCBILL currency rates and they could be a little different.

7. WHEN DISCOUNT IS ACTIVE: Why, in the CCBILL payment form, I don't see SPECIAL DISCOUNT on 2nd and 3rd rebill as mentioned above?
In the CCBILL form you will find our 2 payment options (recurring and not recurring), but CCBILL doesn't show, on sign up form, special discount options BUT DISCOUNT IS ACTIVE AS DESCRIBED ABOVE.
Unfortunately we cannot change this setting because this doesn't depend on us.

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